Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ok. So it's been a while (ok, a long while) since I last posted. Between then and now, my likfe has gotten a little complicated. I was called to teach Seminary at the beginning of February and while it's an awesome experience that I wouldn't trade, I have had to put a few things on the back burner, like blogging. I'm hoping to get back on track and work in a few here and there now that I'm getting more used to the schedule. We'll have to wait and see how that goes.

Anyway, back to the blog. My last post ended on 12/31/08 and this post is going to cover the events of 1/1/09. It was a day I set aside to potty train William. It had to be done and I wanted it to be before school started back up again. So I read a book about how to do it without failing and set out to get started. We started by going down to the Forum shops at Caesar's Palace to FAO Schwartz. Why, you ask? Good question. I wanted an "Emma" doll that was talked about in the book that will go to the bathroom if fed water. Of course it was a fancy doll that was only at fancy stores. I decided to make it an outing (somewhat) and I headed down with the kids. We did find the doll and everyone played on the floor piano (like on "Big") and here's a few shots of the kids by the fountains and looking at the fish. Sorry for the poor quality - it was from my phone, since I forgot the camera.

We headed home and I got out the salty foods, water, and M&Ms to start our potty training experience. To make a very long story short, we spent a few hours potty training Emma (what the book says to do), and then lots more hours "practicing" going potty and trying to actually catch a time when he would have to go. We had a "get rid of diapers" ceremony and have not used them since (except pull-ups at night). I wish it had gone as smoothly as it sounds like it should, but we did end up cleaning up accidents for probably two full days and even some times after that. The first two days I thought he would never get it since he only went to the bathroom on the floor (with the exception of one lucky #2 experience in the toilet on the first day), but eventually he figured it out. Thank goodness. Now he is doing great and I am so glad it's over! Good job William!!


Vicki said...

Wow, you teach seminary? That's what you get for being so smart! Congrats on the potty training, it's such a nice milestone to hit.

Tanya said...

Your kids are getting so big! It has been a long time since I have seen them and you! Hope seminary is going well. No, I do not envy you for that!

Rawson Family said...

Well it's good to hear from you. Congratulates on the potty training, I am not looking forward to it again.

Some Favorite images Ryan shot...