Saturday, August 1, 2009

Field Day!

Every year our elementary school does a spring field day. They happened to pick the windiest day of the year for this one, but the kids still had a great time. They have the kids go around to different places and participate in fun relays. Here's Kaitlyn in the "Dribble the Basketball" relay.

She also liked this one. You sit on a little cart and push yourself backwards down to the opposite line, then turn around and come back the same way (backwards). Here's Kaitlyn giving it a try:

Zach was pretty cool in his jacket and sunglasses that his teacher gave everyone:

Here he is doing his favorite event, of course:

At the end of the events, our Principal, Ms. Smallwood, carried out a promise she'd made to all of the students during reading week. She had told them that if they read so many pages (I can't remember how many) that she would tape herself to the lunchroom doors. So here is her (with the help of her staff) attempt at keeping that promise:

Go Scherkenbach Elementary!


JennHoward said...

That is really funny that thier principle had them tape her to the doors for reading! She must be a pretty cool person.

Rawson Family said...

I find that it is the principal that makes a fun school, and it sounds like you got good one. Lucky you!

Some Favorite images Ryan shot...