Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last Day of School!!

Well, the last day of school definitely came fast this year. What a great time the kids had, though. I went in the last day and took a few shots of them with their class so they can remember some of their class mates, since I'm so mean and won't get them a yearbook yet? Who else got a yearbook in Elementary School? Not me!

Here is William and Caleb making one last project in William's class:

This is William's class. Ms. Bean and Mrs. Stephenson are the teachers sitting behind the class. It turned out to be pretty big by the end. When William started in October, there were only five or so and a bunch more joined the class throughout the year. Unfortunately, only some of them will move up with William next year to the afternoon class.

This is Kaitlyn with some of her friends from her class, and of course her brothers.
Morgan is on the left and Sarah is in the middle.

Here is Kaitlyn with Yanelli on the left and Paris on the right of her. Sarah is on the far right again! I think she made into every one of the pictures I took of Kaitlyn's class :)

Here is Zach with some of the kids from Miss Kuewa's third grade class. From left to right, it's Julia, Carson and Whitney that are sitting down and Dominique is posing in the front.

These are some kids from his class that he went to GATE with. They are, from left to right: Ashton, Jazell, Whitney, Carson, Zach, Jacob, and Brandon. He had a great year in Miss Kuewa's class and made a lot of good friends!

Good job in school this year! One more year down and a bunch more to go!

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