Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Caleb's "trip" into the camera bag...

Tosha came in to Vegas one day and while we were visiting, the kids were playing in the family room. They were, of course, having a good time themselves. Here's a few pics of Caleb that day, before anything happened (foreshadowing):

Next thing I know, Caleb trips head first into his Dad's camera bag! At first it didn't seem too bad, just a small cut and bruise, but as the night wore on, it seemed to get a little worse:

However, that was nothing compared to what it looked like the next morning! It was swollen and puffy and he looked like Quasimodo (from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"):

He could open his eye, though, and he was so good about it! It didn't stay swollen too long, either (thank goodness).

What a tough kid!


Raegan said...

Dr. Nishihara would love to talk to you about that one I am sure!! hehehe

Michele Anderson said...

Luckily we didn't have any Dr.'s appointments around that time...

Some Favorite images Ryan shot...