Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Zach's Blue & Gold Dinner

At the beginning of February, Zach (and the family) had our first Blue and Gold Dinner for Cub Scouts. Zach has really enjoyed scouting and we have too. (I hope so because this is just the beginning...)

Anyway, the theme of the dinner was a "State" theme where each of the scouts (or couple of scouts, if they had more than one cub scout in a family) were/was assigned a state to decorate a table around. Zach ended up with Colorado and had a fabulous idea to do some Colorado Mountains as a diorama. I had never made one up to this point in my life, and had to go online to figure it out a little bit. So we headed to Home Depot and Michael's and grabbed some supplies and over the course of a few days made some Colorado Mountains. It was a fun project and almost everyone in the family was able to help out. Here are a few shots of the finished project:

The Front:

A view into the Lake...

The Camping Grounds around the back side of the mountain:

Check out the waterfall and the boat (and of course GI Joe who is supposed to be fishing)!

Here is the back side of the opposite mountain:

All of the scouts (and their families) got there early and set up their tables and got everything ready. Here is what our table looked like after we set everything up:

If you look closely over the snow capped skiing mountain, you will see an airplane flying through the air (it's right over the book). That was Zach's idea. He wanted that airplane to be flying over the mountains, so we wired it right into the mountain!

After everyone had their tables set up, we were able to walk around and judge the tables and vote for our favorite (only one). We have some very creative and decorative people in our ward and we had some great tables. After it was all said and done and the votes were in, Florida ended up taking first place (a very eye pleasing display of oranges and limes with a Disney World theme intertwined), New York was second place (Garren Craig made the Empire State building out of sugar cubes!), and Zach (Colorado) took third place! Good job Zach!

Thanks to the Cub Scout Committee for all of their work! It was a great time!


Vicki said...

Very cool diorama! Good job!

Tanya said...

What creativity!

Some Favorite images Ryan shot...